Our Mission
Wayne County Jail Outreach Ministry exists to serve individuals affected by crime, offenders, and their families. Further, WCJOM provides education, quality care, advocacy, and serves individual spiritual needs, emotional wellbeing and human dignity. Wayne County Jail Outreach Ministry is incorporated as a domestic nonprofit corporation in the State of Michigan and is organized for charitable, religious, and educational purposes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or any future corresponding federal tax code.

Our Story
The Wayne County Jail Outreach Ministry was created in 2020 to assist the Wayne County Jail in offering returning citizens help and assistance as they return to society. The WCJOM accomplishes its mission in various ways. First, by providing spiritual guidance through regular religious services representing all faiths, religious reading materials, Bibles, Quran and support to the Wayne County chaplain staff. Secondly, we provide short term needs, such as clothes, food and job readiness, which includes employment placement, mentoring and life skills that are essential for a successful reentry into society.